Rebellion, Orthodoxy and Hamza Yusuf

  After an extended hiatus from blogging, I was compelled to write this article after witnessing the barrage of insults and attacks directed towards Shaykh Hamza Yusuf through a range of social media platforms including as Facebook and Twitter. Admittedly, I have a propensity to jump to the defence of people who are at the…

Student Loans are Permissible in Islam

I wrote a significant part of this article quite a while ago, but didn’t have a chance to complete it. Now that I have completed it, I hope it benefits people.   It’s that time of year again, students have completed their courses in various establishments of Further Education, whether it is A Levels, BTECs, Level…

Islamic Law, Homosexuality and the ‘Pulse’ Massacre

Recently we met ‘Ikrima the Liar’ in the incident of the Governor of Punjab and his killer. I spoke about the Islamic verdict on non-Muslims insulting the Prophet PBUH in a Muslim land. I demonstrated the opinion of Abu Hanifa (i.e that such people are not to be killed) from both the early and later…

Islamic Blasphemy Laws and the Strange Case of Mumtaz Qadiri

I often look at the online fatwas and talks of Islamic ‘scholars’ and wonder if perhaps they are deliberately trying to arm Islamophobes or to further garner harassment and vilification for Muslims with their bizarre pronouncements. What makes me really sad is that they never couch these as their own idiosyncratic and extremist positions but…

Burning Gays and Beating Wives: The Abuse of Discretionary Punishment By Muslims

In light of my previous article, which clarified that there is no death penalty (nor necessarily any kind of physical punishment or incarceration) for even public and witnessed homosexuality in Islamic law, which I was compelled to release after the tragic shooting at the ‘Pulse’ nightclub in Orlando, which had caused Islamophobes and Salafists alike…

Mortgages: Part 3

Since commenting on the disturbingly unislamic and frankly seemingly secular opinions of Deobandi elites such as Zafar Tahnawi – for example about burning some groups of Muslims alive (let alone non-Muslims), and the surprisingly weak and Salafi oriented arguments of the current head of Deobandism, Mufti Taqi Usmani (in both the issues of Mortgages being…

Mortgages: Part 2

I wish to further clarify the issue of having a mortgage, when we wrote the initial article we assumed that the opposing scholars had good knowledge of Hanafi fiqh and good training on reading and understanding the Hanafi texts with my addressee. Now, when I know the depressing reality, I will try my best to bring it to his…

Mortgages: Part 1

An important issue affecting Muslims in the West is the purchasing of a house. It is no secret that hardly anyone can buy  house by cash payment. This causes people to seek help from individuals or organisations. Individuals most likely will not help because of the current economic situation so people go to the banks. In this scenario, a Muslim finds…

Prayer and Fasting When the Time for Isha Does Not Occur: Part 6

In recent articles, we spoke about a few issues where the Deobandi sect rejected so many positions of Abu Hanifa and Hanafis, for the sole purpose of supporting Ibn Taimia. Despite these previous articles, I am going to post a few more, as Deobandis are obsessed with the opinions of Ibn Taimia in each field of…

Prayer and Fasting When the Time for Isha Does Not Occur: Part 5

Last year we had to release articles to explain the Hanafi position concerning the issue of praying Maghrib, Isha and Fajr when there is no time of Isha (a situation occurring at certain climes due to the absence of true night – for example, in the UK during a couple of months of the summer season, it remains light through the entire night, meaning there is no ‘true night’…